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Rebel Rebel

Rebel Rebel

Redazione Starssystem
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“Rebel Rebel” (Hey babe, your hair’s alright) Luci fredde di neon illuminano l’asfalto crudo. (Hey babe, let’s go out tonight) Trucco sbavato, occhi stanchi, la notte è quasi finita, ma l’adrenalina non scende. (You like me, and I like it all) I palazzi in lontananza sembrano offuscati da un miraggio, mentre i fari delle auto illuminano le strade come fossero piccole formiche. (We like dancing and we look divine) Jeans strappati, top in leopardo, body a scoprire gambe da felini, quasi fossero a caccia nella giungla urbana. (You love bands when they’re playing hard) Sguardo fiero, quasi a sfidare chi le osserva. (You want more and you want it fast) Senza limiti, energia pura. (They put you down, they say I’m wrong) La notte sembra creata per nascondere, e per esser i soli giudici di se stessi. (You tacky thing, you put them on) Rebel Rebel, you’ve torn your dress. Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess. Rebel Rebel, how could they know?

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Cotton tee by ANTE London, jeans vestcoat by Miss Sixty, swimwear by TopShop, accessories and shoes by StepFamilyBusiness.

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Long dress with side slits by Tiziana Mancarella.

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Leggings and cardigan paired by Public Beware London, glasses by Glasset, shoes by Jeffrey Campbell.

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Spotted top by Zara, leggings with pearls applied by Boulard Houtrie New York, shoes by Jeffrey Campbell.

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See Also
amici e bilardo

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Top in white cotton with fringed by Religion London, leather biker jacket by Vintage Selection, leggings by Caterina Montagni, vintage earrings, shoes by Loy Ky.

Ph: Nicola Casini

Art Director: Alessandro Nava

Models: Alisa @ 2morrow Models Management & Anastazja @ Boom Models Management

Set Assistant: Ismaele Bulla

MUA: Giorgia Rizzardi

HS: Rosario Mannella

Stylist: Camilla Bresci

Backstage ph: Ludovico Vasquez


Tutti i contenuti sono Copyright 2012-2023 StarsSystem.
StarsSystem è una Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano al n°277.
Editata da Edizioni Peacock srl - Milano - P.IVA 09577320964

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